What my days in Bonn this year look like? First of all, diploma thesis, diploma thesis, diploma thesis...secondly I also try to relax, meet with my old and new friends and do some little trips. I went with my collegues Martin and Sebastian to an international supplier meeting in the Netherlands which was an interesting event for me to see.
There is some restructuring going on in former T-Mobile International and therefore the company organized a nice barbecue in the park near T-Mobile Campus which was ended rather dramatically by the arrival of a big windy storm that carried one of the white tents away :-). Me and few other people continued afterwards to the well-known after-job party, it was an evening full of fun.

And then again, routine and work, biking to work everyday. But one has to admit it´s a nice routine here in Bonn. Me and Ondra visited the Kunstmuseum in Bonn last Sunday. This one did not amaze me too much, I was expecting more masterpieces but the building and coffee afterwards were nice as well :-). One thing I will never forget - the painter named Blinky Palermo - marvelous name, really. The thing in the picture is his work.

This week I also met with my flatmate from last year Christian who is now studying technical logistics in Duisburg. We spent a nice evening in Bonn. And next week me and Sare, hopefully, we are finally going to Düsseldorf, to visit our friend Cigdem who was my last year´s sparing partner in TMO.