Saturday, March 31, 2012

Photo-shooting Experience

Once in a while, everyone wants to make a memory in form of a nice picture, which you can show around without well-known excuses such as: "I was really tired when they took this photo" or "I did not know they were shooting a picture and had no time to smile". 
Therefore, I decided to spend one hour with my boyfriend in hands of a professional photographer. It seems, that it was a really good idea, because the result pleased us and our families a lot.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TEDx Prague for the 2nd time...

This year again, organized by team of volunteers, TEDx Prague conference, held on March 3, 2012, has entirely fulfilled my expectations and made one of my Saturdays inspiring and worth to remember. Here are some thoughts, which I have noted down:

  • Collapsing societies have always had something in common: increasing mandatory expenditures, the most lucrative positions are granted to relatives, close friends or convenient acquaintances, the concept of the state stops working, public spending is being cut, universal truths are not true anymore and it is hard to expect how people would react to new events because human behavior is not predictable although most economists would say it is. The best is to be prepared, that change can come and not take everything for grante
  •  The essence of our live is a primary trust and assumption, that certain things do exist and that certain things do function. These primary assumptions determine our feelings and even if we see things to fail, we do return to our primary trust in form of our hopes.
  •   People can be either good or bad.
  • If you want to be successful, you need to be great at something and get lucky, but it does not automatically mean that you would be happy once you are successful.
  •  People like to dream and plan, but they are afraid of realizing their dreams or plans. So don´t be afraid and execute!
  • Our families do not want to feel responsible for bringing children to the world. We have sent pregnant women to solve all their issues with doctors, but pregnancy is no illness. In the past, older women in the family used to educate young mothers and gave them support through the pregnancy and the moment of childbirth.  A woman is not supposed to be afraid when giving birth, she needs to feel relaxed and she needs to feel supported by her family, because women naturally know how to deliver and children know how to get out.
  •  How to improve listening? The rule is RASA - receive, appreciate, summarize and ask. In other words, pay attention to what is being told, admit that you have been listening, appreciate the person talking, summarize what you have understood and ask if you have not.
  • At the end of every day, remember 3 moments of that day and try to picture those in your mind – it improves your imagination. Next tip how to improve our imagination skills: tell yourself a date in the past and try to remember what happened on that day – this would help you to come back to important periods of your life
  • It is important to concentrate as much energy on your work as you can and to limit number of thoughts you´re working on at once. Every hesitation about what you´re doing and why you´re doing it limits your energy. Therefore, companies should always explain to their employees why they are asked to do what they should do and what is their purpose of work and what is the aim of the company for future. Visions of companies do not exist just to exist. They are supposed to make people concentrate on their work without the need to think about its meaning itself.
  • Simple action repeated as regular intervals generates the success.
  •  80% of our reality comes from our perceptions of that reality. We often create our own perception of things, people, and situations before we meet them. It is good to think about those from a distance while we are not in these situations or while we do not see those people and to prepare an objective view on those.
  •  Who is the real hero? It is someone who is ready to sacrifice his life for the life of others. Even if you are not the hero saving lives, remember that small things and helps matter as well.
  • Great offers often come spontaneously.