People always think that there is something missing in their flat, house...wherever they live.
I know that in my case, it was not only a feeling but there were some crucial things, which I really wanted to have. Today, I would like to share a story how my boyfriend and I came to a great pair of bed tables.
Our bedroom has a bed, some lamps, bookcases, work desk and a functionalist clothes hanger, which my boyfriend admires (I appreciate its usefulness as long as it stands in a hidden corner where no one looks). Anyway, back to bed tables. These were missing until recently and we decided to buy one to each side of our bed. I found it quite annoying to put everything on the floor next to the bed (my phone, laptop, books, camera, glass of wine :-)).
The quickest way to get a bed table should be to look for some in a big furniture shop. For the sake of our satisfaction, we went to all of them. Hours of deciding, which one could be good? Most bed tables were just ugly; the rest would not match colors in our bedroom. Some of them were huge, as if you would like to put all your stuff in your flat on (in) your bed table. Finally, we ended up with a compromise. We bought bed tables with corresponding shape and size and we decided to stain these tables with a matching color.
Of course, the principle of today´s world is independence, so all furniture comes in pieces and you need to come back to your childhood and put the puzzle together, maybe helping yourself in a grown-up way with some hammer and screw drivers. Our bed tables seemed to fit together, but screws had weird shapes and we did not feel confident to put these into differently shaped holes. I tried to look for some better screws in other big stores. Then at last, clueless, we went back to the shop where we bought these tables and went to the bedroom-section and found the bed table and investigated how it looked after "do-it-yourself" procedure. That gave us necessary insights and when we came home, Lukas successfully finished the "building" part and we put these new tables next to our place to sleep.
Few weeks later, I was in a drug store and I came to the shelf with paints. Looking on the color pallet, I estimated what could be the right color matching bed tables with bookcases in our bedroom. One tin ended up in my shopping cart and we were ready for next phase of our bed table story.
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday, we woke up late, had a nice breakfast and then I found some old plastic bags, put them on the floor on our terrace, brought the first bed table out and show was ready to begin.
Already after first few moves with the brush, we saw that the color was not exactly what we had expected, but...what the hack. I thought it was looking different because the paint was wet and once it would become dry, we would have seen a lighter tone. The next issue was the fact that these bed tables were already covered with some colorless varnish and our stain would not want to soak into the wood. It meant that no matter how much we tried to cover the wooden surface consistently, some parts would always be more painted than other would. The wet result was very questionable, but Lukas, who did the paintwork, was exhausted and we let our tables become dry and left them on the terrace.
In the evening, tables were dry and both had even more unmatching color than before and the stain was not properly soaked into the wood so it would peel down every time you would touch the table or put something on it (and that is kind of a desired function of a bed table - you put things on it, right? In addition, you do not want the color of this table to stay on these things, right.).
Anyhow, this was terrible situation and we knew that we would need to do something about these bloody bed tables. One week later, I bought tin of pure acetone...then I closed myself on the terrace with these tables and rubbed them hard for two hours, so that all the stain would come down and the tables had the original color again. Acetone worked very well and an interesting fact was that it managed to get some stain to soak into the wood, so the final color is nice. When working with acetone, one needs to be careful, so I used some protective means.

In the end, we really have a good pair of bed tables in our bedroom. Goodnight.