I went back to Vienna on the 3rd January and the day after that two of my best friends came to visit me - Berenika and Lucka Hruska. We spent a very pleasant weekend together: full of After-Christmas-sightseeing and having fun. I showed them a lot mainly on Saturday but we have nearly frozen down because it was so .......ing cold weather that we had to look for every sheltered place to warm our bodies and

sometimes even souls :-)). Girls bought themselves some things :-)). We went for a dinner to my beloved pub Selbstverständlich where we ate very well. Our impression has been just a little bit spoiled when we were waiting for the dessert almost one hour. But anyway I am very glad that girls have visited me. I am grateful for having my friends and family. Don´t worry I haven´t gone mad I am just in a melancholic mood today and I would like to tell everybody that you should always have a great regard for your friends and people who care about you.

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