Hurrah, I am already in working process - for now I am overwhelmed with learning and reading lots of pages, presentations and reports. But I hope that I will get my desk and PC soon. Maybe tommorrow :-)). Today I was totally lost in the big building and I always have to be accompanied by somebody because I don´t have my entrance card yet. It is not very easy to be completely new in such a huge enterprise but I will get used to it. Today it was very confusing but everybody in our Supply Chain department was very nice to me. There is a big canteen and the meals are very tasty and they have a great choice - prices are convenient - same level as if I went to a restaurant in CZ. They also have a cheap coffee in the cafeteria. In the afternoon my boss released me little bit earlier and told me I can study at home. So I was reading in the garden and afterwards jumped into the swimming pool :-)).
Drzim palce, at zapracovani do T-Mobile probehne hladce. Zatim to zni jako uplna parada a ze se nejspis libi! Jen tak dal!
Olinko, to neni pracovni staz, ale dovolena:) Uzij si to a uvidime se v zari:)
Oli, sounds sooo great! Good luck, I hope you will have amazing summer..Well, I am happy you have blog too :) mine is: jsita.nomadlife.org in case you will not have what to do sometimes
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